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Category 7

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Make a caravan insurance comparison before buying

If you are taking out caravan insurance for the first time it is essential to make a caravan insurance comparison before buying. So, if you already have insurance then do not be tempted just to renew the policy but look around and compare insurance premiums to find out if you are able to get a better deal. With some providers, you may be able to get a lot more for your money than with others.

Here are some of the benefits you may want to ensure are included in your caravan insurance:

  • Personal effects – You will probably have many personal effects with you when holidaying in your caravan. These may include things like a personal DVD player, MP3 player and TV. However, you do need to check with the provider that you are considering taking insurance with to find out. You also need to check the limits as to how much you are able to claim. When insuring personal items under your caravan insurance cover, a claim may typically only be made if they are stolen or destroyed when in the caravan, not on your person.
  • Storm damage – Your static caravan is generally covered for storm damage. This may include damage to the exterior of the caravan and possibly your aerials. However when considering what you are able to claim for you may want to check to find out if your awning is protected for storm damage as often they are excluded. You may also want to find out if you are able to claim for storm damage to patios and fencing around the caravan.
  • European insurance – If you wish to travel around Europe in your touring caravan then you may want to check to find out how many days European insurance you are given. There is often a limit as to the amount of days each year you are able to travel around Europe, with some providers giving more days than others do.
  • New replacements – When making a caravan insurance comparison if you have a brand new caravan then may want to ensure that you have new for old protection in your insurance policy. This means that In the event that your caravan was totally destroyed within a certain amount of time, and written off or it was stolen you get a brand new replacement model.

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