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Category 7

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Choosing the best caravan insurance for your needs

aking savings on insurance premiums is of course at the top end of scale. However, it is just as important to ensure that you choose the best caravan insurance for your needs. If you take cover just based on the cost, you may find if you need to claim you do not have the correct cover and your insurance policy may just be a waste of money.
One of the first choices you need to make is which type of insurance is the most suitable. Insurance policies are divided into two general categories, which are static and touring insurance. Some parts of the insurance policy relate to cover solely for the tourer or static caravan, while others may relate to both, so choosing the most suitable is essential.
If you have a touring caravan you may want to travel into Europe, this of course is not needed in static insurance as your caravan is sited permanently. Insurance providers generally allow you to take your touring caravan into Europe so many days out of the year and some may offer more coverage than others so always compare. With this in your policy, you do not have to stop at the border of each country you with in Europe to get insurance.
When looking for your static insurance you may want to check to find out what you get for your money when it comes to the exterior of your caravan. Usually it is protected against vandalism and storm damage and this may include damage to any aerials situated on your caravan. Often static caravan owners have a patio, decking or fencing around the caravan so you may want to find out if these are covered in the insurance policy.
In both types of insurance, your caravan may be insured as new for old. If you have a brand new caravan and it was to be destroyed or stolen, your insurance may payout for a brand new replacement. There is however, a limit as to the age of the caravan when it comes to a brand new replacement and this is generally under 5 years old.
Of course, many more benefits may be included in caravan insurance, which you may want to give some thought to when choosing the best caravan insurance for your needs.

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